A Career School of the Arts
DESTINY NOW ACADEMY will make any necessary religious accommodations for any type of headgear or head coverings otherwise restricted or prohibited under existing individual school dress codes.
No student shall be suspended out of school based solely upon violation of an existing individual school dress code.
Students' dress contributes to our safe & orderly school atmosphere, self-respect, supports positive "first impressions". Students are earnestly advised to dress with good taste & in so, they will be contributing to the general pride of the school. School dress/attire/appearance concerns will be addressed by school staff. Students with questionable dress/attire/appearance will be sent to the office to call home for assistance. Thank you for helping to teach children to dress for success.
The following is a dress code that we feel will maintain an atmosphere of comfort &learning.
Students must wear skirts & shorts that are no more than three inches above the knee when standing. It is recommended that young ladies wear shorts under their skirts.
Students must not wear clothing depicting intoxicating beverages, tobacco products, weapons, or obscenities. Clothing which causes a disruption en-route to or at school is not permitted.
Students must wear jeans, pants, shorts, shirts, or slacks that fit at the waistline. -no biker shorts, leggings, jeggings, ripped clothing that exposes too much skin, bagging/sagging attire or too tight attire.
The hoods from hoodie's, jackets, sweaters & coats may not be worn.
Blouses/shirts must cover shoulders & midsections (stomach, chest, or ribs)-no spaghetti straps.
All spray in hair coloring, hair wash/rinse/coloring, or hair styles which could be disruptive to the school environment are prohibited at school. Hair appearance should not be a disruption to the school learning environment.
Your child's safety is our priority! NO flip-flops, open-toed shoes, heels (higher than one inch) or wheels on shoes are permitted. In an effort to keep students safe, all students need to wear tennis shoes to PE class. If a student is not wearing proper footwear, he/she will be asked to step/walk around the perimeter of the gym for the duration of class (as an alternative way to stay active).
Closed-toe footwear is appropriate for your child's daily physical activities. Students are not allowed to wear crocs or shoes with lights, wheels or noise making capabilities.
Attire will be clean, neat, & not revealing.
Headgear will not be worn in the building & must be kept inside the book bag. This includes hats, kerchiefs, scarves, bandanas, etc.
All clothing must be free of offensive language (or pictures) relating to violence, controversial issues/topics, drugs, race, or sex. Clothing should represent respect for self & others & promote a positive attitude in our positive emotional learning environment.
·No excessive jewelry.
In the event of a student attending school in violation of the dress code & causing disruption (deemed by administration), & the parent cannot be reached, the student will be given an alternate article of clothing from the school's clothing supply to continue the school day.